Software Vault: The Platinum Collection
Software Vault (The Platinum Collection)(American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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│ 35 - BBS Programs and Utilities │
1740_LIT.ZIP 73303 06-06-93 RBBS 17.4 lit merges make smaller code.
1MADV096.ZIP 9622 08-15-93 1Message-A-DAY v0.96: for PCB 15.0 or
| 14.x - will insert messages based on Day
| of month or actual Date of information
| in its DataBase file. FREEWARE.
ACOLR621.ZIP 24459 07-01-93 ANSI Color Generator ACOLOR.EXE v6.21
| Add ANSI color to ASCII files. Supports
| WC!3.x and PCB special color codes. Also
| creates files using ANSI color. Fully
| SysOp configurable.
ACTIVE13.ZIP 34865 10-19-93 Active v1.3 Scans activity logs and
| sends message.
ADDREP10.ZIP 29106 09-01-93 Add Those REP v1.0 Aug 1993 (C) ADDREP
| is a simple program to merge several REP
| packets. Determine the minimal diskspace
| to work, Can handle: ARJ, LHA, PkZIP.
AIR202.ZIP 134211 11-17-93 AIR v2.02: ANSI-In-RIP - Wrap your BBS
| system messages in great looking RIP
| window frames. Two command line modes,
| and an interactive mode. Configurable
| Sysop message in frame, 10 pre-drawn
| frames available.
ALGEN121.ZIP 7224 09-25-93 ALGEN v1.21: Avail List/ALl files
| Generator for files. BBS systems.
| Supports indenting for D/L counters.
ANEWS11.ZIP 52626 06-21-93 Sysop utility - design newsletters for
| your BBS.
ANSICHK3.ZIP 31237 09-13-93 Latest ANSI bomb check utility. A must
| for any SYSOP!
ANSIGAL1.ZIP 210537 07-01-93 The ANSI Art Galleries! ANSI Viewing
| Door. Supports Up To 10 Galleries (File
| Bases). Full Sysop Keys And File Editing
| Features. Users Can Upload And Download
| Acording To Access Levels. Supports Most
| BBSes, High Baud rates.
ANSIGAL2.ZIP 276909 05-29-93 Ansigalleries [2/2] Started Collection
| Of ANSI Screens For ANSI Art Galleries!
ANTI124.ZIP 37443 11-05-93 AntiAd v1.24: The ultimate BBS ad
| detection and removal utility. Utilizes
| two methods to detect BBS ads: a
| conventional database algorithm for
| static BBS ads and a keyword algorithm
| for ads that are changed frequently.
| AntiAd's keyword algorithm can detect
| extensively modified BBS ad files that
| fools other detection schemes! Now
| detects 0-byte ad files!
ARCDTE11.ZIP 15768 11-27-93 Looks inside archive files & determines
| if files are within the age constraint
| read from a configuration file. Tests
| ZIP, ARJ, and LZH files. Sends a message
| to the sysop-defined user alerting
| them that ArcDate has failed an archive.
| Allows the sysop to determine certain
| file areas.
AUTOGB13.ZIP 36477 06-01-93 AUTO-GB is an automatic Goodbye screen
| maker for Spitfire bulletin boards. Uses
| Spitfire's SFBBSLST.dat for input.
AZLTQP10.ZIP 5896 09-30-93 ARIZONA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCB
| v15.0 This is a PPE program that will
| allow your users to generate Quik Pik
| numbers for play in the Arizona Lottery.
BADDUPE.ZIP 6272 08-19-93 BADDUPE v1.0: Maintain your
BAKFIRE.ZIP 148829 07-02-93 Spitfire BBS new user callback
| verification.
BBSTIME1.ZIP 53316 07-19-93 Program to Enable You to Budget Your
| Time on Uploads.
BBS_SHOW.ZIP 167278 10-30-93 The Best Promotional Tool For A BBS!
| "JUST RELEASED!" BBS Showcase v1.0 Sound
| Blaster and Mouse Supported! Smart
| Download this program today and find
| out how to get more users to Subscribe
| to your board! NOVEMBER 1, 1993.
BDAYPREP.ZIP 64196 08-28-93 WC! 3.x/2.x User Birthdate extractor
| for TODAY.
BDOOR12.ZIP 72138 11-26-93 BDoor v1.2: WC 3.xS ANSI and RIP Door
| menu.
BF102.ZIP 125283 06-09-93 BF v1.02: An off-line viewer of bit-
| mapped style graphics that are displayed
| by the B.I.G. Terminal. Sound card
| required for music.
BGFAXB05.ZIP 58143 08-25-93 BGFAX v1.0 (Beta) 05: Receive FAX And
| Data Calls on BBSs Running Class 2 Fax
| Modems With Adaptive Answer. Program
| Does Not Have to Answer The Phone, But
| Can if You Are Not Already Running A
| Front end to Your BBS. Can Also Send
| Faxes From The Command Line. Works With
| Frontdoor, D'bridge, PC Board, GT
| Power, Wwiv, Supra, PPI, Zoom, Etc.
BOBCAT30.ZIP 125823 10-05-93 Bobcat v3.0: File-directory/program
| manager that is beautifully graphic &
| easily customized with online help at
| the press of a key.
BPAINT05.ZIP 107730 06-01-93 Big Paint v0.5: Allows BBS sysops and
| users to paint picture for on-line
| graphics that can be displayed with the
| Blue Instant Graphics terminal v1.02. It
| is useful for creating colorful logon
| and welcome bulletins.
BTTRIBBS.ZIP 7937 08-14-93 BTTRIBBS BinkleyTerm and TriBBS. These
| are the files I use to operate my TriBBS
| system with the BinkleyTerm mailer.
| Includes the following INIT-BI.BAT,
| and the modified TriBBS BOARD.BAT.
BUSTED51.ZIP 94759 11-27-93 v5.1 for DOS: Catch those sneaky users
| and have fun doing it!
CALLME11.ZIP 8724 12-03-93 CallMe The Callback [PPE].
CATADD16.ZIP 54835 07-06-93 CATADD v1.6 for Wildcat!: Adds SDI &
| DIZ Files to Uploads Catadd. Works with
| Catscan and checks if there is a DIZ or
| SDI description file in an archive. If
| present adds the CATSCAN information to
| the Description and then puts the whole
| message in to the Wildcat Extra file
| information area. Many features.
CATADFF.ZIP 11271 06-26-93 Adds SDI/DIZ Description to existing
| files in Wildcat.
CATC139.ZIP 54313 05-02-93 CatCALL v1.39: Last Caller Identi-
| fication Program for WC! v3.
CDRPATH.ZIP 17986 06-17-93 CC3.x sysop utility stuffs CD-ROM path
| in ALLFILES.DAT v1.00.
CD_ADD1.ZIP 7374 06-13-93 CD-ROM utility.
CENSOR12.ZIP 51586 11-18-93 Detects foul language in Wildcat v3.0
| through 3.9 message databases. Default
| option is to report only, but there is
| an option to remove some obscenity. New
| feature allows the Sysop to define their
| own keywords for reporting only.
CHGCLR21.ZIP 31777 08-09-93 ChangeColor (CHGCLR) 2.10 change color
| codes in Wildcat! 3.x.
CHKFL141.ZIP 12155 11-13-93 CheckFile v1.41: FILES.LST Manager
| Simple program to assist in managing
| ASCII FILES.LST. Add files, verify
| files, remove code. FreeWare.
CNET124.ZIP 59949 08-02-93 CNet v1.24 for UltraBBS: CNet is a
| QWK/REP importer/exporter allowing
| UltraBBS SysOps to participate in
| national networks. Includes special
| offer on registration!
CNTMX100.ZIP 75210 08-02-93 CNet-MAX 1.00: QWK Network mail tosser.
CONADD12.ZIP 34077 08-30-93 Sysop's utility that facilitates easy
| local uploads to a BBS system. It will
| move archives to the correct directory
| and at the same time update the FILE
| LIST for that particular area. Works
| with most BBS File list types. It fast
| easy to use and can be configured just
| the way you want, also.
CONINS16.ZIP 30333 10-10-93 CONINS v1.06: A small command line
| utility for SYSOPS & BBS users alike to
| insert mulitple FILE ID.DIZ descrietion
| files into archives using a BBS file
| listing or text file. It's fast and
| simple to use. If you've got a lot of
| ZIP archives and are loosing the battle
| describing the archives then this may
| be.
COSYS09B.ZIP 6846 11-03-93 COSYSOP.PPE v09b: Allows users to be
| Co-SysOps and control conferences. This
| is a Beta version.
CPD_100.ZIP 71372 07-30-93 v1.10c: Spitfire Call Per Day Bulletin
| Maker.
CRCADS16.ZIP 2157 09-12-93 CRCADS16 BBS Ads File Collection Place
| the CRC.ADS file in your ZIPLAB
| sub-directory and delete those unwanted
| BBS ads from your archived files. Feel
| free to edit the file as you see fit.
CSV_RIP.ZIP 3545 08-23-93 Sample RIP Menus.
CTNEWS21.ZIP 16835 08-09-93 CATNEWS! v2.1 FW: A WC Newsletter
| Generator ANSI/RIP for Wildcat! v3.x
| BBS. Wouldn't it be great to have a
| utility that would add on newsletter so
| users could scroll thru from date to
| date. CatNews! Will let you imbed the
| Wildcat! @CODES@ right in the
| Newsletter. Freeware!
DAILYFLS.ZIP 6662 11-04-93 PPL source and executable to set up
| downloads of files that are added daily
| with the date as part of the file name.
| Freeware.
DATS39.ZIP 131105 08-09-93 These are a set of 4 Wctext and
| Wctextr's for WC3.9.
DBLS201B.ZIP 30445 08-13-93 Db Logscan v2.01b. A D'Bridge Log
| Scanning Utility That Tracks Incoming
| Calls And Speeds To A Graphic Screen.
| More If Registered.
DEEP10.ZIP 13978 07-13-93 Deep Thoughts: Show Your Users A "Deep
| Thought of The Day" Each Time They
| Login! Inspired By Saturday Night Live!
DELSHL10.ZIP 40477 08-29-93 Delshell v1.0: Utility runs delren on
| Multiple Messages Areas. Delshell Will
| Read Your GTmdir.BBS, or an Alternate
| GTmdir.BBS And Operate One Each Message
| Area. Delshell Can Also Optionally
| Export/Import Mmr's Pointers Via Mm
| ptcnv Prior to Executing Delren. You
| Must Have Delren.EXE in Order to Use
| This Utility.
DIRCNT17.ZIP 29964 11-17-93 DirCount: PCB/ProDoor File DIR Header
| Utility. A quick and simple utility to
| keep up-to-date headers in your file DIR
| listings. Includes DirSum to summarize
| multiple conference file areas, DirOv to
| produce an overview of file areas in a
| single conference, and COL to format
| DirOv output into multiple columns. With
| full Pascal source code. v1.7 now
| handles totals 2gig. Public Domain.
DIRLST10.ZIP 83001 09-09-92 Dirlist v1.0 - Dir Lister For PCB v14.x
DIZ2P105.ZIP 26496 07-09-93 DIZ/2-PCB v1.05: Extracts FILE ID.DIZ
| with options to remove BBS ads, etc. BBS
| utility.
DIZEDIT3.ZIP 57771 09-22-93 DIZEDIT v3.0: IN-PLACE editing of DIZ
| (description) files found in archives.
| Supports ZIP, ARJ and LZH formats. New
| features include ability to CONVERT
| archive to a particular default format,
| ZIP and ARJ files. DIZEDIT easily allows
| you to create/edit the FILE ID.DIZ (or
| SDI, DES), and automatically repacks the
| archive on exit.
DIZZY101.ZIP 11397 08-27-93 DIZZY v1.01: Free DOS utility: FILE
| ID.DIZ offline re-formatter. Reformats
| any text file into 44 character lines,
| preparing it for use as a FILE ID.DIZ
| (a BBS .ZIP file contents descriptor).
| With PASCAL source.
DLRIP12.ZIP 94428 08-04-93 DLRIP v1.2: Allow Users to DL Rip Icons
| and/or FORCED file.
DRIVEIN.ZIP 22117 06-07-93 Another module for TBBS software. This
| is a game for TBBS.
DRMLST11.ZIP 70903 07-19-93 Dreamlist v1.1: Dreamlist Is An Online
| BBSlist Database. Users Can Enter BBS
| Information, View, & DL Others. Can
| Search For Name. Sysop, Area Code, City,
| State, Etc. Supports All The Major
| Data Drop Files. Totally Configurable!
| New ANSI ! Read WHATS.NEW! Disk eXPress
| v2.30. 16/32 bit self-extracting disk
| imager with encryption.
DRS093D.ZIP 61234 10-05-93 Duplicate Removal System v0.93: for
| PCB.
DRU_225.ZIP 24907 06-17-93 Utility lets sysops appoint "assistant
| sysops" who can perform their duties
| remotely, either from another office,
| their home, or on the road. Executes
| from within BBS.
DSTATS21.ZIP 24124 07-11-93 Deluxe Statistics v2.10: Create nine
| colorful statistical screens for
| SpitFire BBS v3.3! Statistics, Usage
| graphs, Top 15 Users, etc.
DSWEEP.ZIP 324376 09-22-93 DiskSweep tracks file usage/accesses.
DULWC10.ZIP 8197 06-04-93 Door Usage Logger v1.0: Wildcat! 2.x &
| 3.x S Makes Log file of door usage.
| Includes up to us name, door # entered,
| time/date called/door e connect rate,
| ansi/MNP enabled, databits, sec level,
| minutes left, whether or not caller dr
| carrier in door, com port #, dte locked
| rate, many more! BRUN45 is required but
| not in arch.
DUSER10.ZIP 27714 08-24-93 Delete Users Automatically by Last-Call
| Date (TAG).
ELIST01.ZIP 87901 08-02-93 EchoList v0.1: Creates bulletin of all
| conferences.
EMAILADR.ZIP 10497 05-26-93 PCB-UUCP User's E-Mail Address Program
| Runs in $LOGON.BAT to show the user
| his/her Internet and optionally UUCP
| addresses.
FILESCHK.ZIP 19784 10-28-93 Checks all FILES.LST in all
| directories.
FMNEWS10.ZIP 8092 08-17-93 Continuous Paper" Alike Bulletin
| Generator For BBSs v1.
FNET_14.ZIP 17464 08-12-93 FNET@ v1.4: A FeatherNet BBS @-MACRO
| developers TSR util. ALT INS invokes.
| Handy for quick reference to
| FeatherNet's Xcodes and "@" macros. Can
| also, "TRANSFER" your selection to your
| work surface.
FNGAPQ10.ZIP 14592 08-10-93 GAPQR v1.0: A GAP BBS Questionaire
| developers TSR utility ALT DEL invokes.
| Handy for quick reference to GAP's
| Intelligent Questionaires commands. Can
| also "TRANSFER" the selection to the
| work surface.
FNGAP_10.ZIP 15512 08-04-93 GAP@ v1.0: A GAP BBS v6.x @-MACRO
| developers TSR util. ALT INS invokes.
| Handy for quick reference to GAP's "@"
| macros and Xcodes. Can also, "TRANSFER"
| your @-Macro selection to your work
| surface.
FNWC_10.ZIP 15754 08-12-93 WC@ v1.0: A Wildcat! 3.x @-MACRO
| developers TSR util. ALT INS invokes.
| Handy for quick reference to Wildcat BBS
| "@" macros. Also, "TRANSFERS" a macro to
| your editor or graphic development
| program.
FN_PACK.ZIP 80138 08-14-93 FN@PACK: Collection of all FeatherNet
| Software, Inc.'s SysOp Developers TSR
| utilities. More than just a reference
| tool. Will also "TRANSFER" the
| particular selection to your work
| surface. Current "@-Macro" BBS TSR's:
| GAP, PCB, FeatherNet and Wildcat!.
FRONT101.ZIP 32160 09-04-93 Front Line v1.01: A highly
| configurable, very secure host front
| door. Can be used with doorway or any
| executable. Supports all .COM.
FWHO_110.ZIP 3727 08-15-93 v1.1: This PPE Allows You To Zippy Scan
| Your Download.Txt File For Any
| Occurrence Of A Text String. It
| AutoConfigures Itself, Supports Multiple
| Language Files, And Is Faster Than
| v1.0.
GF3500.ZIP 100991 07-01-93 New filing system for BBS systems. Much
| better.
GLIST31.ZIP 43340 05-23-93 Guest List v3.1: Creates color 3D
| bulletins! (WILDCAT!3.x) Selectively
| Display 1-90 Callers. Outputs 3-D Color
| using Wildcat! 3.x Display Codes.
| Displays Callers Name, Location, Time
| On, and Baud Rate. Notification of Lost
| Carriers, New Users, and the Starting
| Date. Local Logins have a YES, NO, or
| ONLY option.
HDISP14.ZIP 43024 08-22-93 HACKDISP v1.4: Convert ANSI to @CODE@
| screen.
HELLORIP.ZIP 34607 07-17-93 This program is primarily used to write
| a companion .RIP file for your BBS
| screens and programs. Simply put, it is
| a .BBS or .SCR to .RIP copy tool.
IAB100.ZIP 15340 11-09-93 SW: IAB v1.0: Internet Address Book
| PPE. Allows users to store and retrieve
| their personal list of Internet
| addresses on-line.
ICUPD243.ZIP 283648 10-08-93 IconUpDater v2.43 - Rip Icon Login
| Downloader.
KIWIRIP.ZIP 149821 11-03-93 Sample RIP Menus w/Icons from New
| Zealand.
KWQ12D.ZIP 233526 11-01-93 KWQ Mail/2, v1.2d. A 32 bit QWK mail
| Features advanced multithreaded
| searching, ta fast access toolbar,
| colored "message syntax" internal
| editor, PM, OS/2, DOS or Win3.X exte
| unlimitted packet size and more.
LACCES10.ZIP 38050 09-07-93 Last Access File Tracking System v1.0!
| Never wonder again when a file was last
| used or by what program. Last Access is
| a tiny TSR which "watches" all file
| accesses. Then, you can view the Last
| Access Date and Program by using the
| companion viewer, LDIR. Free up Megs
| with this information!
LANYEL10.ZIP 8704 10-19-93 Enables Max/2 users to Yell at the
| sysop across a LAN.
| FIX: Truncates the Name field if length
| greater than 20. Runs in $LOGOFF.BAT, &
| creates color bulletin with last xx
| callers. 100 Nodes. SysOp May Exclude up
| to 25 names!
LASTUUCP.ZIP 9067 08-20-93 Creates a bulletin of the last date &
| time that a connection was made to your
| host(s).
LAST_112.ZIP 75843 07-22-93 v1.12d: SPITFIRE Last Ten Callers Stat
| Maker.
LGNMSG16.ZIP 25641 08-08-93 Log On Mesage v1.6: A program to be
| called in LOGON.BAT or similar pre
| logon.bat type files for BBS. It will
| display a sysop defined message to the
| user explaining that the board is not
| crashed, it is just executing some
| commands. v1.6 takes care of a really
| minor bug that probably would never
| have shown up.
LICN0001.ZIP 27578 06-28-93 LOGINICN v00.01 - DL WC RIP icons at
| Login.
LNNET993.ZIP 5368 09-03-93 LOTTONET is a QWK Compatible Message
| mail Network for any BBS system having
| any interest in the Lottery and or
| Related Gambling issues and subjects.
| Included in this archive is an updated
| SysOp Doc file with all the important
| network information and regulations.
| Included in this archive is our fresh
| HUB/NODE listing. Also included is a
| .CFG file for Wildcat SysOps.
LODED.ZIP 131521 07-01-93 Online door, "Land Of Devastation",
| offline editor. Useful for co-sysops who
| want to design their own adventures.
LOGCHK32.ZIP 23977 06-04-93 LOGCHECK v3.2: A Freeware WILDCAT 3.X
| utility. LOGCHECK is a simple utility
| that runs through your ACTIVITY.001 file
| and creates a graphical statistical
| report.
LOGITV30.ZIP 166685 05-05-93 LOGIT v3.0: Create bulletins from WC
| v3.x activity logs.
LOGVIEW1.ZIP 63314 06-01-93 LOGVIEW v1.0: View, download, and delete
| all ASCII file on-line Search text and
| batch processing. Baud rate up to
| 115200 and will handle non-standard
| serial ports. Novell, LANtastic and
| Deskview compatible. Bios or direct
| screen writing.
LOPBCK31.ZIP 28938 11-12-93 LoopBack v3.1: Callback Verifier [PPE]
| BETA RELEASE VERSION Local/Long Distance
| callback. Full Time restrictions, any
| user name, update the security,
| expiration date.etc. Fully
| configurable! Read the history file for
| a full listing of what is new! THIS IS A
LOTTO993.ZIP 4077 08-21-93 LOTTONET QWKNet HUB/INFO Packet 9/93
| This is a New QWK Compatible Message
| Mail Network for those Systems Having
| any interest in the Lottery, Gambling
| and related subjects Easy and No hassle
| sign up. Learn the secrets from the
| Winners of the lotteries! Sign up today,
| HUB List being created.
LPRIPS_1.ZIP 15226 11-26-93 Collection of RIP pictures.
LSTAT087.ZIP 29795 08-06-93 Logstat RemoteAccess Log analyzer.
LSTRIP11.ZIP 37755 10-31-93 SF Last Ten RIP Creation! v1.1. Creates
| A Nice RIP Display Of The Last Ten
| Callers. Freeware! Now with Security
| Blocking.
LTAG10.ZIP 1592 09-17-93 Local Tagline v1.0: PCBoard .PPE that
| lets you use your taglines when logged
| on locally. Fully configurable and FREE!
LVPG_ALL.ZIP 170408 06-05-93 Collection of RIP Graphics.
LWBULL12.ZIP 49711 08-15-93 Lwbull v1.2: Llanoware Bulletin/News
| Door, Shows Users What News/Bulletin
| Files Have Been Updated Since Their Last
| Logon. Can Be Used Multiple Times For
| Showing Any Files. Supports Most Ra00
| Codes. Once Registered You Can Specify
| Individual Files As Mandatory Reading!
| For Remote Access00 Only!
M2NC200.ZIP 36042 07-31-93 Message to Next Caller v2.0 Door for
| WC! 3.xx.
MACROCVT.ZIP 6322 08-26-93 MACRO CONVERT v1.0: Converts the @MACRO
| codes in FeatherNet BBS v4.2a's screens
| to the NEW code names in FeatherNet BBS
| v5.0. Works for ASCII, ANSI, XCODE &
| RIP screens and menus.
MAIL2FX4.ZIP 91618 10-03-93 Mail2Fax software to send faxes from
| your BBS Beta v4. Now validate fax
| numbers oth. Than 7/10 digits (e.g.
| European) Formal (nonBeta) release
| expected nextweek Includes 45 day Beta
| key (40 days left).
MAILSF12.ZIP 41867 06-01-93 MAILCALL: Spitfire Mail Analyzer &
| Bulletin Creator. Good for all SF v3.x
| callers.logs, detects Lakota, SFMail &
| JetMail doors.
MAKE1.ZIP 8650 08-19-93 Free DOS utility: text line joiner.
| MAKE1 transforms a PCBoard-type file
| listing containing multi-line
| descriptions into a single line per
| entry list (each line can be up to 255
| characters). With PASCAL source.
MAKEBX16.ZIP 93851 09-14-93 MakeBix (formerly CD2BIBL) v1.6:
| utility pgm that allows you to move
| downloads from several information
| sources into a BIBL database; supports
| conversions from ABI-Inform (CD-ROM)
| AGRICOLA (SilverPlatter),ERIC
| (SilverPlatter) PsychInfo
| (SilverPlatter), MEDLINE and NOTIS.
MAKEFREQ.ZIP 4549 08-09-93 FREQ File List Generator For Ezycom
| BBS.
MAKELIST.ZIP 22926 07-01-93 Make Lists For Programs Using @List.
MARK24_A.ZIP 43013 09-17-93 Mark Host v2.4: (part A) Advanced BOYAN
| Host. Now supports 20 DOORS & QWK Runs,
| Chats with Users! Built in Call Back
| Validation, Upload Check capable, 4
| separate UL paths & Levels, File
| Descripts. Personals, scans Dbase.
| Before calling back Users, extensive
| Activity Log, with On/Off, etc.
MARK24_B.ZIP 89876 09-11-93 Mark Host v2.4: (part B) Contains
| Bulletins, text files, Welcome screens.
MAXPTCLN.ZIP 14478 07-22-93 Renumbers Lastread Offsets in USER.BBS
| (SDS).
MDEL100.ZIP 39205 08-20-93 Automatically delete messages from
| specified PCB 15 message areas, based on
| origin line info.
MENUMAK3.ZIP 11783 10-29-93 Corrects a bug in MENUMAK2 RIP MENU
| MAKER is a must for all TriBBS RIP aware
| BBS Sysops It will allow for very quick
| generation of RIP button menu files.
| Will generate up to 20 items per menu
| in two columns using your .MNU file for
| input.
MFIX402.ZIP 36539 08-23-93 MAILFIX v4.02: Purge, repair, re-size,
| renumber RBBS-PC message bases.
| Originally part of Mail Manager QWK mail
| door package, this stand-alone version
| comes complete with QB4/PDQ source code.
| v4 is faster, renumbers messages and
| maintains user last-read pointers. v4.02
| handles larger message bases, with new
| /S command line switch.
MHST211E.ZIP 227380 07-23-93 MEGAHOST v2.11 EXEcutable: ASP Full
| featured multiuser BBS designed for ease
| of use. Includes btrieve indexed
| databases, support for networks, RIP,
| NAPLPS, BIG, & CONDOR graphics,
| NS16550A FIFO, 16.8 kbps, dynamic or
| custom built menus, ringback for voice
| lines, callback, built-in and external
| file transfer protocols, net and echo
| doors. Easy ASCII text file cfg.
MHSTUTIL.ZIP 134703 07-23-93 Megahost BBS v2.11 BBS utility files.
| Needed to convert from older versions
| and for accessing the BBS API function
| calls in batch files.
MIRIP103.ZIP 200241 11-10-93 MI-RIP Graphics Script Editor v1.03:
| Edit the RIP scripts being used on
| several Bulletin Board Systems now.
| Allows you to load, edit, and save your
| script files. Program is WildCat! Smart
| for some of their screen @ variables
| such as @BBS@ and colors to better get
| an idea of what the script will look
| like to the users.
MLRDIZ10.ZIP 68177 08-01-93 My Little Realm's DizzE v1.0 (ASP): A
| .DIZ file editor. Create, load, print,
| and save. Checks for the hyphen that
| BBSs require in the first two lines.
| Checks for too many lines (more than
| ten). Allows blocking operations.
| Deletes .DIZ files. Prevents accidental
| overwrites. Prints file descriptions in
| 1 of 3 positions: normal, top center &
| dead center. IBM compatible required.
MMQUES20.ZIP 26365 07-05-93 MMQUES v2.0: Create BBS lists from
| Wildcat.
MMUPS151.ZIP 17427 08-26-93 MM Uploads - Superior New File lists
| Create easy to read and colourful New
| File Bulletins that also include a
| "Thank you" note to all the uploaders
| contributing. version 1.51
MNM26.ZIP 56971 07-06-93 MidNightMover Archive utility. Convert
| entire BBS from 1 compression style to
| another, scans, logo stamps, time
| stamps, interface for FILES.BBS text
| files for BBS. Many other features.
MORERBO.ZIP 24133 08-21-93 More RBO pictures for Roboboard v1.08.
MPHREAD.ZIP 5143 09-08-93 NiceRead.CTL: Powerboard v1.2 Control
| Script File will give you message
| reading similar to PCBoard 15.0 ANSI
| message reading.
MSGCAT30.ZIP 82875 06-01-93 MsgCat v3.0 For Wildcat 3.02 and 3.50.
MSGQUE10.ZIP 4001 08-02-93 MsgQuest v1.0 A Freeware PCBoard 15.0
| PPE to place script questionnaire answer
| files into your message bases & fully
| configurable too!
MSGTRM12.ZIP 82662 08-16-93 Message Trim v1.2: Utility to remove
| unwanted Tag Lines, Quotes, Reader
| Signatures, and Bridging Tags from the
| text of GT messages. Fully configurable
| of up to 1000 Search Items. Optionally
| trims .ORIGIN lines to reasonable
| length, and removes unwanted blank
| lines from messages.
MXLITE19.ZIP 111866 09-01-93 MxLight v1.90: Major rewrite from all
| past versions. Many new features and
| fixes. ZedZap, Zmodem, YmodemG, Ymodem,
| Xmodem1KG, Xmodem1K, Xmodem and ASCII
| Protocols. Support for 3 External
| Protocols. SplitScreen Chat, ANSI,
| ANSI-Music, Avatar and VT100 Emulations.
| 16550 UART Support 300 to 115200 baud
| supported. New High Speed Phone Book,
| with over 200 numbers.
NETDAY22.ZIP 38671 09-06-93 NETDAY v2.2: Quickly and easily display
| the current NETMAIL date for you. If you
| ever wondered what the current NETMAIL
| (Julian) date was, then this utility is
| for you. NETDAY will accept an echomail
| conference number from the command line
| and report back to you the age in days
| of the last bag that was received on
| your system.
NETLGO11.ZIP 34485 09-07-93 Netlogo v1.1: Will Insert A Text File
| Into Your ZIP's as A Logo. Not Crippled.
| No Extra's Inserted Into Your ZIP File,
| Just The Logo.
NEWFILES.ZIP 34645 09-15-93 NEWFILES v1.0: Generates a bulletin
| listing files that have been uploaded in
| last "nnn" days. Powerboard v1.25a.
NEWMSG.ZIP 4383 11-18-93 NEWMSG.CTL: Control file to update
| security and write personal message to
| new users on their second call, for
| Powerboard BBS 1.25A.
NEWS13.ZIP 49290 08-24-93 Logon News Door for T.A.G. (TAG).
NODEBL11.ZIP 34937 11-20-93 NODEBUL v1.1: Utility to create ASCII
| and ANSI Bulletins from NODELIST.BBS.
| This utility is compatible with the
| recent changes to the BAUD rate field
| in the NODELIST.BBS.
NSFG_103.ZIP 42105 11-01-93 Newsgroup System File Generator v1.03
| Takes your list of newsgroups and
| presents a NSFGdate.SYS file. This file
| is suitable to send your feed site if
| they are using a file similar to a SYS
| file by C-News or B-News. Future
| versions will even do 'exceptions.'
NT061093.ZIP 70551 10-13-93 Intelec Intro Screens for PCB v15.0
| Boards. These screens contain the
| Moderators and conference descriptions
| as described in the CONFLIST.IN file.
| The screens were completed using the
| 9310 Intelec listing. Now your users
| will know exactly who the moderator is
| and what the conference is about every
| time they join a conference! Complete
| installation instructions are included!
NUB171.ZIP 44643 10-10-93 New User Bulletin v1.71: This is a
| little utility that will list the new
| users on your system in an ANSI and
| ASCII bulletin. You may configure the
| number of days to consider a new user,
| minimum access levels to include, and
| fully configure the colorization of your
| bulletins.
NUFILZ12.ZIP 4897 09-16-93 NEWFILES v1.2 - a PPE that will scan
| the directories for new files by a user
| entered date, make a list of the files,
| allow the user to download the list
| and/or to automatically flag the files
| in the list for download. Now has
| ability to allow user to choose to
| either watch the file scan or not.
NWL_9309.ZIP 12175 09-20-93 Introducing NorthWest Link! A small
| general topic E-mail network serving the
| Pacific NorthWest and beyond. Supports
| .QWK packet mail transfers. Come join
| this network created specifically forus
| in the great Pacific NorthWest.
NWSMAN12.ZIP 102612 07-14-93 News Manager - A utility allowing a
| SysOp or a person designated by the
| SysOp to maintain multiple text files on
| the BBS from a remote location. For
| example keep NEWS files up to date or
| change a security specific file from
| remote.
O1_1.ZIP 2420 11-20-93 Operator page replacement for PCBoard
| v15.1 and above. Split screen chatter
| with no bugs. Fix for v1 adds new colors
| and adds one bug fix.
ONERUN34.ZIP 96638 09-18-93 OneRun v3.4: Limit door runs for doors
| that have no runs per day limit!
| Supports all the major BBS types,
| COM1-15, non-standard IRQ's, DESQview
| aware, and speeds up to 115.5k! Also
| supports fossil drivers.
PAGEPPE.ZIP 3678 08-31-93 PAGE: This little .PPE program will
| scare users who page during "off" hours.
| Useless, humorous little program.
PAKPEEK3.ZIP 23802 05-08-93 Packpeek Allows The Fidonet SysOp To
| View And Correct PKT Headers If
| Necessary.
PAPER20.ZIP 130228 06-14-93 CPUPAPER v2.0: Display generator for
| WC! v3.xx.
PB125A_1.ZIP 144483 08-02-93 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Complete BBS Pkg.
| Offering 6 Minute/6 Question Install for
| 100% Operational System! Completely
| Configurable by Script Language. FULL
| RIP Graphics Support, including RIPMENU
| DEVELOPMENT TOOL for fast and easy
| creation of RIP menus WITHOUT a RIP
| Drawing Program!
PB125A_2.ZIP 369655 08-02-93 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 2/4: Main
| BBS Files and Executables.
PB125A_3.ZIP 245784 08-02-93 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 3/4:
| Utilities Utility Package, Status Line
| Configurator, Event Manager, Dynamic
| Menu Editor, Menu Development Tool and
| Protocol Engine.
PB125A_4.ZIP 99677 08-02-93 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 4/4: System
| Operations Manual.
PBBSW272.ZIP 1046579 10-04-93 POWERBBS FOR Windows v2.72: (MultiLine!
| Easy-to-Use GUI controlled CONFIG! SPLIT
| SCREEN Chatting; Direct Node-Node Chat!
| ASCII/ANSI/RIP Support; 1000 forums;
| X/Y/Zmodem; HSLINK; Run DOS DOORS,
| files created; QWK-MAIL Included;
| Teleconferencing; Test ULs; Enhanced
| CD-ROM Support; and much more.
PBDIAG.ZIP 39791 07-13-93 PBDIAG v1.00: PowerBoard BBS v1.2:
| Complete Diagnostics system. Provides
| analysis of conference configuration,
| hardware/DOS/system configuration,
| event, main setup, PCL syntax check,
| vital.EXE integrity, COMM port analysis,
| IRQ/IObase and TSR conflicts, more.
PBDIAL.ZIP 21889 10-16-93 A PEX dialback program for ProBoard
| BBS.
PBHOT.ZIP 7110 09-03-93 HOT 1.00: Creates a list of the most
| Popular downloads for your Powerboard
| BBS.
PBPM_20A.ZIP 16725 11-12-93 PCBBLTPM v2.00a: Creates a Multi-Page
| BLTx MENU for any BBS conference. It's
| very fast and simple to setup. Works
| great with bulletin board systems that
| have a lot of bulletins available for
| viewing.
PBPOST.ZIP 21543 11-27-93 Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists
| P&BNet is a fast-growing network for
| writers and artists. We feature direct
| feeds from publishers and news items
| from galleries. We are using regular
| .QWK packets AND Postlink to satisfy all
| network participation requirements.
PBTOP.ZIP 5725 11-03-93 Top DLer bulletin creator forPowerboard
| BBS.
PCB152PB.ZIP 17212 08-08-93 PCBoard v15.0 to Powerboard BBS 1.2Conv
| Package. Includes utilities for
| converting User file, conference files
| and directory listing.
PCB15SWE.ZIP 83155 09-13-93 Swedish PCBTEXT file for PCB 15.0. With
| matching help files and menus.
PICN11.ZIP 15695 09-29-93 Converts PCX files to RIP Icon format.
PMAC312S.ZIP 54958 09-25-93 Power Macros for Trade Wars! The most
| powerful utility for players. Collection
| of macros that haggle, steal/trade,
| colonize, manage data, and MORE! Uses
| COMMO 5.5, but comes with PMDLPROT.ZIP
| for using with Telix, QModem, and more!
| If you aren't using POWER MACROS, you
| better hope your COMPETITION isn't!
POFFICE.ZIP 27470 11-07-93 TriBBS(tm) Post Office, Another fine
| Utility for use with TriBBS, from: The
| Computer Doctor, Inc. This little
| utility will let you create a list of
| users and other BBSs that enter your
| Board for TriMail purposes only. The
| Post Office will check this list every
| time these users log-in to the system.
PRFP102.ZIP 13824 07-12-93 PRFP - The Pseudo-Random File Picker
| v1.02: util that will use a specified
| configuration file to pick random files.
PTIME10S.ZIP 7831 08-30-93 PowerTime v1.0: Creates charts for
| bulletins showing a graph of number of
| callers for all times of the day. For
| Powerboard BBS 1.0-1.45.
PUBREAD2.ZIP 9748 09-06-93 PUB-READ v2.0: Online reading PPE for
| PCB v15 BBSs. Display any publication
| with a READROOM.TOC. Allows user to
| choose from 99 different articles from
| up to 15 different publications. Easy
| updating of publications on single and
| multi-node systems. Quick and Easy
| installation. Full Logging and Download
| Capabilities.
PURGE21.ZIP 63965 08-05-93 PCBoard Outdated File Handler. Purge
| allows a PCBoard sysop to find old and
| outdated files on the system. Purge
| allows sysop's to clean up their DIR's
| and H/D's easier & faster than ever
| before. Only PCB 15.0 utility which
| removes not only the PCBDIRx entry but
| the file also.
PWDALERT.ZIP 8677 08-24-93 Inform your users of Password
| Violations! WildCat 3.x.
QBASE11.ZIP 31366 11-19-93 QWKBase v1.1: Is an-add on program that
| turns your "one packet at time" offline
| mail reader into a database reader.
| Quick and easy set up. Configure each
| conference to accept mail only for you,
| to you, or all. Just replace PKUNZIP
| with SWAP: QWKBASE in the packers menu
| of SLMR and OLX. Requires SLMR/OLX.
QDP07259.ZIP 83126 07-25-93 Quote Display Program for WC! 3.x.
| Displays QUOTES.BBS to callers through a
| door or menu hook.
QFMAIL1A.ZIP 9825 09-01-93 QF-MAIL v1.0b: A PCBoard v15.0 PPE
| program to replace the (E)nter a Message
| command in FidoNet netmail conferences.
| Simplifies user input for normal FidoNet
| netmail and can search the nodelist
| file if you do not know the exact
| FidoNet Address info. Configurable! Can
| also be used as a Nodelist Browser!
| Easy to use. Will work ONLY with QFront.
QPRN103.ZIP 119888 08-29-93 QWKPRUNE v1.03: Removes unwanted
| messages from QWK-format mail packets.
| Strips leading spaces as well as (R) and
| Re: prefixes from subject lines. Also
| strips up to 10 user-defined prefixes.
| Repairs non-standard message headers.
| Supports ZIP, LHA, ARJ, and ZOO, as well
| as a user-specified archiver.
QTIME18.ZIP 10913 11-26-93 Qtime v1.8: Creates ASCII, ANSI and @x
| Color code files saying what time and
| date a specified event last occurred.
QWIKMAST.ZIP 57630 06-01-93 TBBS sysop tool that will help in the
| building and maintaining of .FAR files.
RANDANS2.ZIP 50533 09-05-93 RandANSI v2.0: New version of RandANSI.
| This easy to use programs allows sysops
| to randomize their Login/Logoff screens.
| It now supports .ANS, .ASC, .AVT, and
| .RIP. Gives your BBS a new look every
| time a user logs on.
RATIO101.ZIP 22812 05-28-93 RATIO v1.01: A Spitfire 3.x BBS utility
| program that makes a nice color/ASCII
| bulletin of the 36 callers with the
| worst file download/upload ratios.
RDMICONS.ZIP 24613 06-05-93 A collection of RIP icons.
REF14.ZIP 44945 11-07-93 The REF v1.4: BBS Utility to produce a
| true Read Only echo, or REVIEW messages
| by users prior to allowing them to
| "echo." The REF will monitor a listing
| of users in an echo and either MOVE to
| an alternate message area, KILL
| messages, MARK any message posted by
| UnAuthorized posters, or REVIEW the
| postings prior to bagging the messages.
RIPCODES.ZIP 46642 10-29-93 Display Codes for RIP Graphics. Great
| Information to have!
RIPEZ15.ZIP 14871 07-12-93 Convert your ANSI files to RIP graphics.
RIPIV100.ZIP 188082 08-14-93 The RIP Icon Verifier v1.0: RIP-IV
| checks all the icons on the BBS, then
| looks to see if the user is missing any.
| RIP-IV then bundles them all up for the
| user to download, or it will AUTO-
| INSTALL those icons without the user
| doing ANYTHING! A great Shareware BBS
| door for any software supporting
| RIPscript.
RIPNANSI.ZIP 11127 11-03-93 RIPnANSI: High Tech Menus (BBS/SCR/RIP)
| From the home of "COASTNET!" Southern
| California's LaserCoast Line BBS.
RIPPLE.ZIP 4731 10-02-93 Collection of RIP files.
RIPSAML.ZIP 25862 09-30-93 Sample RIP Screens For BBS Online Use.
RNDFIL10.ZIP 7782 07-06-93 Rndfiles v1.0 - Will Randomly Select
| One of The Files in A User Specified
| Directory And Copy it Onto A User
| Specified Name in Another Directory. You
| Can Use Rndfiles in Your BBS Batch
| File to Create Random Welcome, Logoff
| Etc. Files.
ROMPR136.ZIP 53606 11-29-93 ROMProc v1.36: CD-ROM Download Processor
| Perfect for any BBS running CD-ROMs or
| LAN! It will copy files to a specified
| area, comment them, transfer with the
| appropriate protocol, clean up and
| return to the BBS. Detects archive
| format, including SFX and SDN archives.
| Generates online process status.
| Supports drive locking. Shareware, not
| crippled!
RRIPIT13.ZIP 26129 08-06-93 RBBS RIP Text Window Formatter v1.3:
| The FINAL Version! Takes any text file
| and imports it into a RIPScript display
| complete with configurable icons, mouse
| field commands, colors, fonts, text,
| and more. Great for creating RIP
| versions of your BBS Bulletins.
RTFDC110.ZIP 26394 04-20-93 RBBS Turbo FMS Dupe Checker (RTFDC)
| v1.10: Finds Duplicate entries in your
| FMS, and on your disk. Also points out
| files that are on your disks but not in
| your FMS and Files in your FMS that are
| not on the disk. Now points out possible
| version updates too.
RUDMU20B.ZIP 44287 08-23-93 RUDMU is a utility designed to operate
| with RBBS-PC to automate the process of
| moving files from the upload directory
| to the proper download directories.
| RUDMU is being distributed as freeware.
SDPF101C.ZIP 140397 08-19-93 Streamline Design Fossil Protocol
| Module v1.01c: Fixes command line bugs
| that affected the transfer of files with
| certain names.
SFA3B18.ZIP 62355 10-12-93 SmartFA 3 Beta 18. The automated file
| distribution program for GT Power BBS
| systems GTPN 050/059. Bug fixes for FILE
| ID.DIZ handling. And FILES.BBS entries.
SFADFIL1.ZIP 58510 08-25-93 Addfiles v1.0: Automatically uploads
| files to your SPITFIRE BBS if they
| contain a FILE ID.DIZ.
SFATM201.ZIP 54400 08-12-93 SFATM v2.01: Spitfire BBS Time Bank.
| The Best Online Time Bank To Date For SF
| BBS! Time and Byte Accounts, Group
| Accounts, Money Market, and now LOTTO!
SFSUB11.ZIP 14856 09-04-93 SfSubscribe v1.1, The Best Spitfire BBS
| Subscription System Around! Automates
| Subscription Levels, Gives Pre-View's
| And Keeps Callers Informed Daily!
SFTB_B05.ZIP 57625 08-30-93 SPITFIRE Time Bank Beta version.
SFTOPMSG.ZIP 5703 11-28-93 v1.1: Creates Top 10 files listing.
SFUP18.ZIP 7426 08-02-93 SF User Purge Utility will examine your
| SFUSERS.DAT file for those users with a
| specific security level and who have not
| called within "n" days. Sets Purge flag
| to "YES." Use SFPCKUSR to pack the user
| database.
SFUSRTXT.ZIP 12485 09-25-93 Creates a Text file of your User Base.
SHWRIP29.ZIP 103864 08-28-93 ShowRIP v2.9A: Command-line driven
| utility to view RIP files.
SICON_13.ZIP 14606 10-31-93 SIcon v1.3: AUTOMATICALLY Send Icons to
| Users! [PPE] Supports Automatic Sending
| of your BBS icons to the user! Also does
| auto-detect ANSI and RIP support of the
| caller and then default the "Do you want
| graphics" prompt to default to the best
| selection available. Now, COM port is
| Configurable!
SKILL320.ZIP 45065 11-11-93 SPOTKILL v3.20: BBS utility to browse a
| message area and automatically delete or
| mark bagged messages by Sender Name,
| Receiver Name, or Subject. SPOTKILL can
| delete messages that have been Received,
| Bagged, Either, Incoming, Received
| Incoming, or ALL. v3.20 gives the
| ability to EXCLUDE message areas when
| processing GLOBAL message areas.
SLMT100.ZIP 9998 08-19-93 SLMT v1.0: Free offline reader ASCII
| tagline file creator. SLMT splits a file
| of lines of varying lengths into two new
| files, one with long lines and one with
| short lines. For tagline sifting. With
| PASCAL source.
SLNAME14.ZIP 59153 09-12-93 Log-off Autodoor for Searchlight BBS.
| Displays user's name in colorful ANSI
| letters.
SL_UTL10.ZIP 12290 08-28-93 Surreal PPL Utilities v1.0: Included is
| a oneliner file that offers a Last Few
| Callers option, and a Node Listing. Also
| a Complete Last few callers list maker
| and a Leave a Message to the Next caller
| utility.
SL_VOTE1.ZIP 6846 10-20-93 SL-VOTE.PPE v1.0: Voting Booth, that
| can be Customized, and alter easily. It
| is easy to Use, and quick to set up. Try
| it out Today!
SMTPSERV.ZIP 83046 04-07-92 Internet Mail Server for PC's/TCP/IP
| nets.
SNAGTAG3.ZIP 27256 10-25-93 SnagTag Plus v3.00: The premium tagline
| snagger for the 1st Reader offline mail
| program. Snag tags from any message,
| edit them and add them to your
| collection as you read messages;
| they'll be immediately available for
| use in your replies. Includes sound
| (MME) support for Sound Blaster cards
| and much more. Easy to install and use!
SNIPT502.ZIP 129168 07-09-93 Snippet V5.02 Auto BBS Quote Bulletin
| Generator. Unique Configuration Utility
| Makes It easy To Customize For Any
| System. Run Via Event, Door Or
| Stand-Alone. Graphics Options And
| Selectable Foreground/Background Colors.
| Creates Color And Mono Files. Includes
| SysOp-Editable Database Of 700.
SPATXT15.ZIP 49589 06-14-93 New Spanish files for PCB. Includes
| PCBTEXT for PCB15 and all HELP files and
| BRDM for PCB v14.5.
SPIT2MAX.ZIP 14492 07-22-93 Spitfire: Maximus Userfile Converter
| (SDS).
SPLTR12.ZIP 39853 07-14-93 SPLITTER v1.1: Utility allowing a SysOp
| to split a DOWNLOAD.TXT file into 2
| separate files. The first of which
| holds all upload entries and the other
| holds all download entries.
SRCHR135.ZIP 58069 06-04-93 Download Searcher finds strings,
| filenames in BBS file lists (WIN).
STAR_108.ZIP 74419 11-30-93 v1.08: SPITFIRE Bulletin Generator.
STATS3.ZIP 22611 10-13-93 Stats v3.0: Supports RIPscript. Makes
STATSC11.ZIP 32644 07-07-93 StatusC: Generate Export, Import, Last
| Import and Monthly Total bulletins using
| Cam-Mail logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers.
| ANSI, ASCII and PCB color/mono support.
STATUS38.ZIP 50221 07-07-93 Status: Generate Export, Import, Last
| Import & Monthly Total bulletins with
| Postlink logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers.
| ANSI, ASCII, PCB color/mono support. Log
| utility.
STMAIL.ZIP 45320 09-27-93 Statistical utility that will rate your
| Bulletin/Mail areas.
SUPERBBS.ZIP 363410 11-20-93 The Best Promotional Tool For A BBS!
| v1.2 Sound Blaster! (Easy To Configure!)
| Smart SYSOPS: Download this program NOW!
| And find out how to increase the # of
| users to Subscribe to your board! Upload
| To Your SYSOP Today! Try It!
SYSOPMVP.ZIP 2625 08-19-93 SYSOPS: Download this file to find out
| how to become a member of the MVP
| Distribution Network and get all updates
| & new releases of MVP Software shareware
| products sent to you FREE before they
| are available anywhere else.
S_ICON11.ZIP 7940 07-25-93 AUTOMATICALLY Send Icons to Users! v1.1
| [PPE] - Supports Automatic Sending of
| your BBS icons to the user! Also does
| auto-detect ANSI and RIP support of the
| caller and then default the "Do you
| want graphics" prompt to default to the
| best selection available.
TABLOID.ZIP 32493 09-03-93 WWIV Tabloid headline generator for
| User logons. Generates one of 100
| possible random supermarket tabloid
| headlines, using the users name! For
TAPECMS1.ZIP 13572 08-19-93 v2.0 of a PPE for PCBOARD 15.0 or
| higher. OnLine file restoration from
| Colorado Memory Systems(tm) Tape Drive
| 120 or 250. A possible 6 files may be
| restored from tape or selected from the
| existing files in the restore directory,
| during any 1 session. A total of 9 tape
| volumes are possible. Add to your
| CMD.LST. Shows users which tape is in
| the tape drive.
TAP_0893.ZIP 8152 08-15-93 TAP-Net (TM) E-Mail Welcome to the next
| generation E-Mail network for the
| Technical/Programmer. TAP-Net has over
| 100 conferences, and uses the RoseNet/
| QWK/FIDO mail transfer systems.
TB121.ZIP 10668 10-19-93 TriBackup v1.21: Backup your TriBBS
| bulletin board in no time. Multinode
| compatible, enables you to choice which
| files you wanted backed up and more!
| TriBBS 5.00 compatible!
TBSN30.ZIP 33839 10-30-93 SendNote v3.0 - Let's your users send a
| 10-line note to each other that will be
| shown to the other upon their next
| logon. A number of bugs from v2.6 are
| fixed in this version.
THEDOOR.ZIP 56415 06-20-93 THEDOOR - Expand DOS HOOKS in WC v3.x
| to as many as needed!
THOST331.ZIP 99772 08-15-93 TinyHost v3.31: A small, simple HostBBS
| program. Internal XModem, external
| protocols, messaging, operator chat,
| shell-to-DOS, log support, & much more!
THP111.ZIP 114507 08-15-93 TinyHost Plus v1.11: Based on TinyHost,
| the small, simple host program. All the
| features of TinyHost v3.31 (external
| protocols, shell to DOS, operator chat,
| etc.) plus the capability of dialing
| another TinyHost/Plus system and
| tranferring up to 5 files automatically.
| Now with Personal Directories.
THUB20.ZIP 93390 09-16-93 TriHub 2.0: QWK-based hub for TriBBSs
| that are part of a QWK network.
TICBSY.ZIP 4701 08-01-93 Permit TIC Processing To Proceed
| Without Fear Of Trying To Attach More
| Files To A Bsy Flo Type File In An
| Environment Using Bsy Flags.
TIMEVLT.ZIP 96383 05-04-93 TimeVault! A simple WC3.X FREEWARE Time
| Bank Really simple to set up. No
| maintenance.
TLKHL101.ZIP 21427 11-10-93 VGA Planets Ship Hull Analyzer, check
| out the vitals on your ship hull before
| you invest in building it. Plan Your
| Fleet!
TLX320UP.ZIP 63022 11-05-93 Tag Line XPress v3.20: Tagline Manager
| for offline mail readers. This minor
| update patch REQUIRES either v3.00 or
| v3.10!
TMAST24.ZIP 16957 08-18-93 TriMast v2.4: Master File List creator
| for TriBBS. Now has CD-ROM file area
| count, clearer output of number
| sequences, and now has TriBBS v5.0
| compatability. DO NOT use TriMast 2.4 on
| versions of TriBBS prior to 5.0!
TO10.ZIP 8678 12-02-93 Replacement PPL routine for prompt 199
| (TO prompt for Enter message). Among
| other things, gives users the ability to
| have personal 'black book' or 'alias'
| files to track their internet addresses
| more easily. Since some things in the
| routine are specific to the PACS IBM SIG
| BBS, source is included.
TODAYCAL.ZIP 33505 08-29-93 TODAY's CALlers v1.0: Generates
| bulletin showing who called today. Also
| shows callers by baud. For Powerboard
| v1.25a.
TODAYDOR.ZIP 56499 04-20-93 WC3.x utility shows TNET, POSTLINK,
| GOMAIL, WILDMAIL transfers. v2.31.
TOMCAT1.ZIP 1149 08-24-93 RIP menu for use in Tomcat Mail Door.
TOPDROP.ZIP 5738 11-03-93 Top Carrier Dropper bulletin creator
| for Powerboard BBS.
TOPUP.ZIP 5704 11-03-93 Top Uploader bulletin creator for
| Powerboard BBS.
TQUOTE10.ZIP 98167 11-29-93 TriQuote v1.0: Quote Generator For
| TriBBS! Creates ASCII and ANSI screens
| Can customize colors and enable/disable
| MORE prompt.
TRAC201B.ZIP 135790 10-23-93 Tracker v2.01 - Logon utility and more
| for G statistical information for both
| you and your sysop with information on
| board usage. Creat for today and
| yesterday, tells users if they
| completely sysop-definable output.
| Create en ASCII) with personalized
| output beyond that w v2.01b supports GT
| v15.00 through v18.00.
TRAC202B.ZIP 129419 10-31-93 TRACKER v2.02: Logon utility and more
| for GT Power BBS v15-18. Statistical
| usage info on users; sends messages to
| sysop with info on board usage. Creates
| "who called" bulletin for today and
| yesterday, tells users if they have mail
| waiting, and has completely sysop-
| definable output. Create entire screens
| (ANSI and ASCII) with personalized
| output beyond that which GT can give!
TRANS20.ZIP 269821 08-08-93 Translator v2.0: free utility to change
| Wildcat screens.
TRIASM10.ZIP 35162 08-21-93 TriAgeStatsMaker v1.0: TriASM is a
| TriBBS 5.x utility for statistics
| freaks. TriASM will generate a display
| screen showing different age groupings
| and how many of your users fall into
| each group. Freeware.
TRIDIE24.ZIP 50810 07-18-93 TRI-DIE v2.4: TRIBBS DIrectory Enhancer.
| Creates custom MSGALL.ANS & DIRSALL.ANS
| screens in full ANSI color for each
| caller! When a caller "changes file
| area," TRI-DIE will not only show the
| file areas available to the caller, BUT
| show the # of files and total bytes for
| each area and give the grand totals at
| the end of the list!
TRIDLS10.ZIP 35148 08-14-93 TriDeleteLocalSysop v1.0: TriDLS is a
| TriBBS 4.x utility designed to check the
| callers log when a user logs off. If the
| last caller is the Sysop, TriDLS will
| delete the Sysop's entry in the callers
| log and will also delete the Sysop's
| entry in total calls to the system and
| total calls for the day.
TRIFLAGS.ZIP 22903 07-29-93 TriFlags: TriBBS Message Base Flags
| Utility. Enables the setting of the
| private, echo, received, permanent, and
| delete flags across a message
| conference, or for an individual
| message, while creating a backup.
TRINET70.ZIP 43899 09-16-93 TriNet 7.0: QWK networking utility for
| TriBBS. Let's TriBBS boards join one of
| the many QWK-based netmail networks.
TRIRIP01.ZIP 4135 09-07-93 TriBBS 5.0 RIPscript Screens. Drawn
| With RIPaint FOR TriBBS Sysops! Main,
| File, Message. 2 Security Levels - New
| User & Verified.
TRISRCH.ZIP 16264 11-11-93 TriSearch v1.0: Nice little utility to
| search your users database by security
| level, record number, name, date of
| birth, and city. FREEWARE.
TRISTA16.ZIP 52370 07-18-93 Tristat v1.6: Use With TriBBS Bulletin
| Board Systems. Generates ANSI And Mono
| Bulletins Which Contain Many Statistics
| About The Usage Of Your TriBBS BBS. The
| Stats Include Total Number Of Calls, #
| Of Calls Per Node, Uploads & Downloads,
| Calls By Time Of Day, # Door Programs
| Opened, # Messages Entered, # Bulletins
| Read, # Of New Users, And Much More!
TRISTA17.ZIP 53115 09-11-93 TRISTAT v1.7: Use with TriBBS BBS
| systems Generates ANSI and MONO
| statistics bulletins.
TSCNV110.ZIP 42990 06-20-93 TosScan Converter v1.05: TSCONV is the
| follow-up program to TS2FD, the program
| which converts TosScan area definitions
| to FrontDoor format. TSCONV will
| convert TosScan's area definitions to
| FrontDoor's, and/or RemoteAccess,
| and/or OXE's, and/or max10 textfiles
| (an AREAS.BBS file, or any other
| textfile).
TSPORT10.ZIP 44542 08-23-93 Trisports v1.0: For TriBBS Bulletin
| Board Systems. Trisports Will Generate
| ANSI And Mono Bulletins With The Scores
| Of Up To 12 Sports Contests. (Football,
| Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Etc. For
| High School College, Pro, Etc.) Use As A
| Logon Screen Or Bulletin, To Inform
| Users Of Your BBS The Scores Of "Last
| Night's" Games.
TTED210.ZIP 122452 11-19-93 TT Editor v2.10. Excellent TT editor
| and archive comparator.
TTSRIP.ZIP 16944 08-06-93 This is a collection of RIP MENUS for
| use with WILDCAT 3.90 BBSes. Also
| included are ANSI screens along the same
| lines, for the ANSI part of the board!
TWBULL12.ZIP 49797 08-11-93 TradeWars Bulletin Generator v1.20: A
| quick, handy utility for sysops with
| TradeWars 2002 on their boards.
| Generates an easy to read bulletin of
| your current TW2002 game. If you are a
| sysop, you really, really want this!
TWEATH10.ZIP 41711 08-28-93 Triweather v1.0: For TriBBS Bulletin
| Board Systems. Triweather Generates ANSI
| And Mono Bulletins With Local Weather
| Forecast As Entered By The Sysop. Use
| As A Logon Screen To Offer The Users Of
| Your BBS The Local Weather Forecast.
| Simple To Set Up And Use. Triweather Is
| Donationware.
TXTBCST.ZIP 33880 10-11-93 Utility takes a standard text file and
| converts it to a REP packet. Messages
| longer than 75 lines are broken into
| multiple messages. v1.1 ßeta.
TXTMSG36.ZIP 39464 09-19-93 TEXT2MSG v3.6: Sends messages to GT
| message bases from DOS. Useful in LOGOFF
| BATs and other places. In this version,
| the OPT file is searched for in LAN path
| then the GTPATH. GTMDIR.BBS is searched
| for in BBS/CBS path, then LAN path, then
TYCB151.ZIP 48947 10-10-93 Today/Yesterday Callers Bulletin v1.51:
| This is a little utility that will
| create a bulletin listing all the users
| that have called your BBS Today And
| Yesterday with both ANSI and ASCII
| Bulletins. Colors are completely
| configurable, and access levels to
| include are fully configurable. TYCB is
| a complete design your own bulletin
| system.
UGCONF10.ZIP 13391 06-07-93 UltraBBS Global Conference Changer
| Version 1.0: Global Conference editor
| for UltraBBS.
ULP386.ZIP 161101 08-28-93 UpLoadProcessor/386 V1.0: 80386
| executable only for PCB upload
| processor. Also download ULP100.ZIP.
| This executable is for registered users
| (requires a code).
UNCONX74.ZIP 15490 09-12-93 Opus Files Database UNCONverter makes
| old-style FILES.BBS for Opus v1.73a.
UPLOAD20.ZIP 10467 10-24-93 UPLOAD.PPE v2.0: A PPE that will allow
| you to have different configuration
| files for your upload processor based on
| what conference the user is going to
| upload in. It also stops files with
| sysop definable extensions from being
| uploaded in any conference you want.
| Currently limited to 1000 conferences.
| MAJOR UPDATE! MUCH Faster, and more
| multinode aware.
USBBQM42.ZIP 85237 09-02-93 USBBQM42: USBBS list #112 for Sep 93
| done in the Qmodem FON format. These
| files are compatible with Qmodem v4.2,
| v4.3 and v4.5TD. There are almost 3,000
| BBS entries that are immediately
| dialable from the Qmodem dialing
| directory in this compressed file.
UUSHRED.ZIP 26403 08-03-93 UUSHRED v2: Takes UseNet Mail and Makes
| Sure All The Pieces Of Multipart UUE
| Files Are Present. Internally Puts Them
| In The Right Order, Decodes Them And
| Extracts Their Contents. Written
| Primarily For UNIX Users. (In .Tar.Z
| Format).
VALEN130.ZIP 143298 08-17-93 Valence QWK door for Searchlight v1.3:
| Full support of color codes, included
| files, metacharacters, bulletins. Much,
| much more! Fast, reliable, flexible.
| Easy setup. Now does node-level QWK
| networking.
VPBI223.ZIP 161925 07-13-93 VGA Planets BBS Interface v2.23:
| Manages all aspects of BBS play of VGA
| Planets. Easily installs into your BBS
| and uses all major BBS formats.
VRET893E.ZIP 7894 08-08-93 Information on how to join the brand
| new VRETNET. This net is for any BBS
| systems interested in Virtual Reality
| and New Technologies. A specific net to
| meet specific needs! We need members!
| Join now! Regional and State Hubs
| Needed. FIDO Info Now Included.
W3EUTI25.ZIP 185273 06-14-93 Enhanced UTIs for Wildcat 3.0 through
| 3.9 These UTIs allow the PostLink, PC
| Relay and MegaMail programs to work with
| Wildcat BBSs. Version 2.5.
WAFGTB03.ZIP 59925 08-18-93 Waftogt v1.0 (Beta) 3 for GT Sysops:
| Bring Usenet to Your BBS! This Program
| Will Bridge Articles From Waffle's
| Format to GT Power Messages. New: (Beta)
| 3 Will Also Export Messages From GT
| Back to Waffle, And Run Rnews to Batch
| Them up For Your Neighbors. Waftogt Can
| Also Gate E-Mail Messages.
WAFGTB04.ZIP 69843 08-29-93 Waftogt v1.0 (Beta) 4 for GT Sysops:
| Bring Usenet to Your BBS! This Program
| Brings Usenet Newsgroups And Internet
| E-Mail to GT Power Bulletin Boards.
| Beta 4 Will Import E-Mail to GT Power,
| And it Can Bounce E-Mail Messages to
| Unknown Users.
WAS_ON12.ZIP 44562 07-29-93 WAS-ON v1.2: Bug Release! A TriBBS
| utility which tells the user who the
| last caller to the system was. This
| version makes allowances for names with
| 3 words (eg. Mark Van Hooren) and it
| also recognizes a one-word alias. Not
| crippled.
WB128S.ZIP 84174 11-07-93 Weather Board v1.28: A weather info
| retrieval program. Installs & runs as an
| event from a BBS or front end mailer.
| Weather Board will provide up-to-the-
| hour weather information for your area.
| Weather Board can be used as a bulletin
| or as a log-on screen. It uses the
| WeatherMation number at the nearest
| airport. Multi-BBS compatible and works
| under multitaskers and DOS.
WCHT244C.ZIP 35843 11-16-93 WWIV Chat v2.44c: External Multi-
| Instance Chat Module for WWIV BBS v4.23
| or higher Includes: CB Chat, and Real
| Time 4-Way Chat. WildChat v3.0 -
| Multi-Line Chat DOOR for WildCat!
WC_11.ZIP 8496 05-10-93 Who Called v1.1: A quick Today's Caller
| list for SysOps. This is not an ANSI or
| stats screen generator. "Who Called"
| gives the SysOp of the BBS a quick and
| complete list of calls for the day.
| Supports both Remote Access v1.11 and
| v2.00.g1. FREEware!
WELMAT10.ZIP 3969 08-02-93 Welcome Mat v1.0 A Freeware PCBoard
| 15.0 PPE that selectively upgrades
| certain users that you pre-determined
| and displays an "upgraded notice" to
| them. Use at new logon or in BLTs.
WELSF26.ZIP 130049 10-12-93 WELCOME" for Spitfire v2.5: Log-on
| Utility It will generate a log-on screen
| showing many User Statistics and Last 12
| Callers DV Aware and more! Bug Fix From
| v2.5!
WHO58.ZIP 176880 07-10-93 Whocalled! v5.8: Helps SysOps to
| Track Their Previous XX Callers And
| Bulletin XX. It Tracks & Posts The Users
| Date Time used, MSGs Posted, Files
| Uploaded and Downloaded. Includes
| an Easy to Use Installation And Editing
| Utility.
WILDSL15.ZIP 48559 03-17-93 WildStats/Call Log v1.5a: Best & best-
| looking call log/stats screen you can
| get! WildStats/Call Log keeps track of
| your daily statistics and now tracks
| your running system statistics. The
| daily stats are displayed at the end of
| your call log.
WLIST170.ZIP 95994 04-08-93 WILDLIST v1.7: Super Speed File List.
WLS_V100.ZIP 11544 10-20-93 WEEKLOGS: For PCBv15 SINGLE-node Sysops.
| Controls and organizes your CALLER log
| into weekly/monthly files in your event.
| Creates WKx.MON files, and zips these
| files to an archive directory you
| specify. Does not delete files. Requires
| 2 simple command line arguments, PKZIP
| in the path. Saves -LOTS- of disk space.
WL_V100.ZIP 11911 10-20-93 WEEKLOG - for PCB v15 multinode Sysops.
| Controls and organizes your Caller logs
| into weekly/monthly/node in your event.
| Creates WK?-NNN.MON files, and zips
| these files to an archive directory you
| specify. Does not delete files. Requires
| 3 simple command line arguments, PKZIP
| in the path.
WMCFG102.ZIP 238366 07-13-93 WMCONFIG! v1.02: config utility for
| Wildmail 3.x.
WMFRIP.ZIP 12967 06-29-93 WMF to RIP Conversion Utility.
WNBFF19.ZIP 39065 11-07-93 WinBiff: Mail arrival notification
| (SC).
WR14_300.ZIP 43404 06-26-93 Wine Review Door. Supports several BBS
| formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
WWIVDRAW.ZIP 34956 06-01-93 ANSI drawing program that outputs WWIV
| color codes. Very handy for WWIV Sysops.
WWSTRP10.ZIP 12086 05-21-93 WWStrip v1.0: Removes WWIV color codes
| from menu files, etc., facilitating
| easier editing. Very fast and easy to
| use.
WWSTRP12.ZIP 15701 08-16-93 WWStrip v1.21: WWIV/VBBS color remover
| removes WWIV/VBBS color codes and NET33
| routing information from menu files,
| extracted messages, etc. For easier
| editing and reading. Very fast and easy
| to use. Strip directly from the file or
| specify an output filename. v1.2 lets
| you leave IN the routing info while
| taking out the color and vice versa.
| User-Friendly, MULTI-LINGUAL Credit Card
| processor for PCB 15 On-Line
| registrations. WWSUB does it ALL.
WWTYPE20.ZIP 17886 08-17-93 WWType v2.0: WWIV/VBBS color in DOS!
| It's true! WWType recreates the DOS TYPE
| command except that it displays the
| screen as if you were logged in with
| both color and centering! v2.0 adds full
| VBBS color support, configurable screen
| pause, and more!
WWTYPE21.ZIP 18141 08-18-93 WWType v2.0: WWIV/VBBS color in DOS!
| It's true! WWType recreates the DOS TYPE
| command except that it displays the
| screen as if you were logged in with
| both color and centering! v2.0 adds full
| VBBS color support, configurable screen
| pause, and more! v2.1 fixes a color bug
| in [PAUSE].
XMASTRV4.ZIP 145817 07-04-93 CHRISTMAS TRIVIA IV v2.5: Trivia game
| with questions testing your knowledge of
| Christmas. Fully functional, supports
| multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
| multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT
| 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
| and is DESQview aware.
XR301DOS.ZIP 31030 05-23-93 XRobot v3.01: FrontDoor command line
| utility to allow sending/receiving
| files.
YAWULL10.ZIP 57124 03-28-93 Yet Another Wildcat User Lister v1.0:
| List users in WC v3.x.
YC102.ZIP 20931 11-09-93 YESTCALL.EXE : Yesterday/Last 24 Hours
| Caller List Generator v1.02: Creates
| ANSI/ASCII Caller Lists for the PREVIOUS
| files display name or handle, node
| number, log-on, log-off, times called,
| and Location. Just like the internal
| Today's Callers List! Many improvements
| from the previous version.